Tuesday, May 31, 2016

हनुमान् जी नर या वानर ??

हनुमान् जी नर या वानर ??
आधुनिक विद्वान् मानते हैं
श्रीवाल्मीकि रामायण में वर्णित वानर जाति जिसमें हनुमान् ,वाली ,सुग्रीव और अंगद आदि हैं । वास्तव में बन्दर नहीं वन नर हैं ( सङ्गतिवश पहले मैं भी यही मानता था )
वानर का अर्थ करते हैं - "वननर अर्थात् वनमें रहने वाले नर (मानव) ही वानर कहलाते हैं ।"
किन्तु ये सिद्धान्त असङ्गत है -
यदि वन में रहने से हनुमान् जीकी जाति वानर कहलायी तो ऋषि वानर जातिके क्यों नहीं हुए ? ऋषि महर्षियोंने तो वनोंमें रहकर ही वेदोंकी ऋचाओं के दर्शन किये इसलिए वेद भाग आरण्यक कहलाता है ।
अब रामायणमें वर्णित वानर शब्द का अर्थ वन-नर करके हनुमान् जी को वन में रहने वाला मानव मान लिया तब तो वाल्मीकिरामायण का सही से अनुशीलन किया ही नहीं । कैसे वह बताता हूँ ।
वाल्मीकिरामायणमें महाराज सुग्रीवकी सेनामें वर्णित भिन्न भिन्न योद्धाओं का वर्णन किया है भगवान् वाल्मीकिने जिन्हें केवल वानर ही नहीं अपितु कपि ,पिङ्गल, प्लवङ्ग ,गोलङ्गूल ,हरि और शाखामृग आदि नामोंसे यत्र-तत्र उल्लेख किया है । ये सभी नाम बन्दर के हैं मानवके नहीं ।
दूसरा कारण कि हनुमान् विशुद्ध संस्कृत बोलते हैं ,उन्हें चारों वेदोंका सम्यक् ज्ञान है , कहीं भी बोलने में अशुद्धि नहीं होती इसलिए हनुमान् जी बन्दर नहीं हो सकते मानव हैं ।
जब भगवान् श्रीहरिः मत्स्यरूप लेकर वेदोंकी रक्षा कर सकते हैं ,हयग्रीव रूप धारण करके वेदोंकी रक्षा कर सकते हैं ,हंस रूप से ब्रह्माजी श्रीमद्भागवतजी का उपदेश कर सकते हैं ,तब बन्दरका रूप पाकर वेद क्यों नहीं पढ़ सकते ??
अब यदि कहो ये तो पौराणिक कथा हैं ,हम तो केवल वेदोंको मानते हैं -
तब कहूँगा -
जब अश्वनीकुमार आथर्वण दधीचि का सिर काट कर घोड़े के सिर जोड़कर ब्रह्मविद्या प्राप्त कर सकते हैं , दधीचि अश्वशिर से ब्रह्मविद्या का उपदेश कर सकते हैं ,
‪#‎आथर्वणाय_अश्विनौ_दाधीचेऽश्व्यं_शिरः‬ ‪#‎प्रत्यैरयतम्‬ !"(ऋक्०१/११७/२२)
तब हनुमान् जी का वेद पाठ करना कौन सा कठिन कार्य है ?
जबकि रामायणमें वर्णित सभी वानर देवताओंके अवतार दिव्य वानर हैं ,जिनका शरीर मानव का है मुख और पूँछ बन्दर की है ।
इसीलिए इस प्रजातिको किम्पुरुष कहा जाता है शास्त्रोंमें । वाल्मीकिरामायणमें तो हनुमान् जी को स्पष्ट गोलङ्गूल (लँगूर-बड़ी पुंछ वाला बन्दर) के रूप में सर्वत्र वर्णन किया है ।

महात्मा बुद्ध ,Mahatama Buddha followed GITA.

महात्मा बुद्ध आध्यात्मिक दृष्टिसे अनात्मवादी थे । तथापि आचरणकी दृष्टिसे उपनिषदों के संन्यास धर्म से प्रभावित थे । ऐतिहासिक दृष्टिसे यह कथन अशुद्ध है ,कि बुद्ध कोई नया मत चलाने का प्रयत्न कर रहे थे । उनका अंत तक यही विश्वास था कि वह प्रचलित सनातन धर्म का प्राचीन और शुद्ध रूप में प्रचार कर रहे हैं " एसो धम्मो सनतने " - "वेदानि विचेग्य केवलानि समणानं यानि पर अत्थि ब्राह्मणनं ! सब्बा वेदनासु वीतरागो सब्बं वेदमणिच्...च वेदगुरो !!( सुत्त निपात ५२९) "जिसने सब वेदों और कैवल्य वा मोक्ष विधायक उपनिषदो का अवगाहन कर लिया है और जो सब वेदनाओं से वीतराग होकर सबको अनित्य जानता है ,वही वेदज्ञ ब्राह्मण है ।" बुद्धका निर्वाणपद भी गीतोपनिषदका ब्रह्मनिर्वाणपद ही है कहीं अन्य से नही लिया - "स्थित्वास्यामन्तकालेऽपि ब्रह्मनिर्वाणमृच्छति !"(गीता२/७२), "स योगी ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं ब्रह्मभूतोऽधिगच्छति !"(गीता५/२४) ,लभन्ते ब्रह्मनिर्वाणमृषय: क्षीणकल्मषा:(५/२५) और अभितो ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं वर्तते विदितात्मनाम् !!(५/२६) । यही नही निर्वाणपदतक जो पहुँच चुका है उसके लिये बुद्ध ने अपने शिष्य सोनकोलीविस् से कहा है "निर्वाण तक जो पहुँच गया है उसके लिये न तो कोई कार्य ही अवशिष्ट रहता है और न ही किया हुआ कार्य ही भोगना पड़ता है
यह शुद्ध मार्ग है "तस्य कार्य न विद्यते " श्रीमद्भगवद्गीताका वचन ही है । यही नहीं जब बुद्धके शिष्य नन्द अर्हन अवस्था में पहुँच गए तब बुद्ध कहते हैं -"अवाप्तकार्योऽसि परां गतिं न तेऽस्ति किञ्चित् करणीयमण्वपि । विहाय तस्मादिह कार्यात्मन: कुरु स्थितिरात्मन् परकार्यमप्यथो !!" अर्थात् तेरा कार्य हो चुका है ,तुझे उत्तम गति मिल गयी । अब तेरे लिये तिल भर भी कर्म नहीं रहा ,अतः अब तू अपना कार्य छोड़कर परकार्य कर !" "तस्य कार्यं न विद्यते !!(गीता३/१७) ,"तस्मादसक्त: सततं कार्यं कर्मं समाचार !"(गीता३/१९) इन भगवान् श्रीकृष्णके वचन ही बुद्ध उपदेश करते हैं । सब्वासवसूत्र (९/१३) बुद्धके सिद्धांत में दुःख ,समुदय,निरोध और मार्ग ये चार आर्य सत्य मान्य हैं । संसार छोड़कर मन को निर्विषय तथा निष्काम करना ही मनुष्य का कर्तव्य है । बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद् (४/४/६) के मन्त्र को बुद्धने स्वीकार किया है । बुद्ध वेद धर्मके ही प्रचारक थे किन्तु पीछे से उन्हें वेद विरुद्ध बना दिया गया और आज तो आर्य (वैदिकों ) के विरुद्ध धर्म बौद्ध (दलित) बना कर भारतवर्ष को दो ध्रुवोंमें विभाजित कर दिया है । बुद्धम् शरणम् गच्छामि (ये महावाक्य भी श्रीमद्भागवद्गीताके २/४९ "बुद्धौ शरणमन्विच्छ कृपणा: फलहेतव:" का ही है )

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Collection of Hindu devotional scriptures

Here are collections of all mantras-
Click here

Balmiki Ramayan

The story of Ram also inspired a large amount of latter-day literature in various languages, notable among which are the works of the sixteenth century Hindi poet Tulsidas, Tamil poet Kambar of the 13th century Molla Ramayanam in Telugu and the 14th century Kannada poet Narahari Kavi`s Torave Ramayan. The Ramayan became popular in Southeast Asia during the 8th century and manifested itself in text, temple architecture and performance.
The discovery of the Ram Setu (Rama's Bridge) between India and Sri Lanka has leant strong support to the epic being based on real events.

Lord Brahma Reveals Rama’s Divinity

When the virtuous Rama heard these cries of the people, He reflected for some time, His mind being agitated and His eyes filled with tears. Gathering together and reaching the city of Lanka in their aerial vehicles that sone like the sun, Kuvera, Yamaraja, the forefathers, Indra, the lord of the gods, Varuna, the lord of the waters, the three-eyed Shiva whose emblem is a bull and Lord Brahma, the creator of everything and best of those who know the Vedas, approached Rama. Raising up their long arms adorned with ornaments, the best of the residents of heaven said to Rama, who was standing with joined palms:
“Since You are the creator of the whole world and the best of those who are learned, O Lord, why do You ignore Sita while She is fallen in a blazing fire? Why do You not recognize Yourself to be the foremost of the many gods? Among the eight Vasus, You were formerly the Prajapati Ritadhama, who was the creator of the three worlds and their undisputed lord. Among the Rudras, You are the eighth called Mahadeva and among saadhyas You are the fifth called Viryavan. The two Ashvini-kumaras are Your ears and the sun and moon are Your eyes. You are seen as the beginning, middle and end, O scorcher of enemies. Yet You ignore Sita as an ordinary man would do.”
After being spoken to in this way by the protectors of the world, Rama, the Lord of the world and foremost of those who uphold righteous, replied to the gods: “I consider Myself a human being named Rama, the son of King Dasharatha. Let Lord Brahma say who I am and where I came from.”
Then Lord Brahma said to Rama, the descendent of Kakutstha: “Listen to my true words, O He whose prowess never fails. You are Lord Narayana, all-mighty God Himself who wields a discus. You are Lord Varaaha with a single tusk, the conqueror of Your past and future enemies. You are the imperishable Absolute, the truth which resides in the middle and end, O descendent of the Raghu Dynasty. You are the supreme righteousness of the worlds, the four-armed Vishvaksena. You are the wielder of the bow Sarnga, the Lord of the senses, the purusha and the supreme person. You are the invincible Lord Vishnu wielding a sword, as well as the mighty Lord Krishna. You are Skandha, commander-in-chief of the gods, and also the village leader. You are intelligence, strength, forbearance and self-control. You are the origin and destination. You are Upendra, the younger brother of Lord Indra, and Madhusuudana, the slayer of the Madhu demon.
“You are the creator of Lord Indra, the great Lord. You are Lord Vishnu, known as Padmanabha because His navel is shaped like a lotus flower. You put an end to Your enemies in battle. The great and holy sages say that You are a refuge worth taking shelter of. In the form of the Vedas, You are a bull with one hundred heads and one thousand horns. You are the original creator of the three worlds and the independent Lord. You are the support and progenitor of the siddhas and saadhyas. You are sacrifice and the syllable vashat for offering sacrifice. You are the mystic syllable OM and the highest of the high. People do not know who You are or that You are the origin and reservoir. You are found in all living beings, within the cows and Brahmanas too. You are in all directions, in the sky, in the mountains and in the rivers. You are the glorious one who has thousands of feet, heads and eyes.
“You maintain all living beings, the earth and all mountains. At the end of the world You are seen on a great serpent in the water. You are maintaining the three worlds, along with the gods, gandharvas and danavas. I am Your heart, O Rama, and the goddess Saraswati is Your tongue. The gods created by Lord Brahma are the hairs on Your limbs, O Lord. When You close Your eyes, it is considered night, and when You open them, it is daytime. Your thoughts become the Vedas. This world could not exist without You. The whole world is Your body, and the earth is Your steadiness. Fire is Your anger, the moon—Your grace. You bear the mark of Shrivatsa on Your chest. Previously You crossed the three worlds with three steps. After binding the dreadful Bali, You made Lord Indra king. Sita is Lakshmi and You are Vishnu. You are God, Lord Krishna, the Lord of all created beings.
“For the destruction of Ravana, You entered a human form in this world. You have accomplished our purpose, O best upholder of righteousness. You have slain Ravana. Return to Your heavenly abode happily. Your valor is unfailing and Your heroic exploits are never useless. Audience with You is unfailing, and so also is Your praise. Those who are devoted to You will be successful in this world. Those who are devoted to You, the primeval Supreme Person, achieve their desires in this world and the next.”
Those who chant this divine hymn composed by Lord Brahma and recite this ancient story will never have any difficulty.
Thus completes 117th Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.
Sriman Moola Rama Vijayate
Click to read full.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

आर्यभट्ट से पहले वेदों में था शून्य ‘0’ का महत्व।

शून्य की खोज आर्यभट्ट ने 5 वीं सदी में की??
अब लोग ये नहीं समझते ऐसे पोस्ट हमारे शास्त्रों पर प्रश्न चिन्ह लगाते हैं इसका उद्देश्य क्या है ??
सम्भव है शास्त्रों को आर्यभट्ट का परवर्ती सिद्ध करना।
अब बताते हैं शून्य की खोज किसने की तो वो हैं वेद ।
वेदों में 1 से लेकर 18 अंकों तक (इकाई से परार्ध ) की गणना की गयी है ।
1 के अंक में 0 लगाने पर ये गणना क्रमशः बढ़ती जाती है इस का स्पष्ट उल्लेख वेद भगवान् करते हैं —

‘इमा मेऽअग्नऽइष्टका धेनव: सन्त्वेका च दश च शतं च शतं च सहस्रं च सहस्रं चायुतं चायुतं च नियुतं च नियुतं व नियुतं च प्रयुतं चार्बु दं च न्यर्बु दं च समुद्रश्च मध्यं चान्तश्च परार्धश्चैता मेऽअग्नऽइष्टका धेनव: सन्त्वमुत्रामुष
मिंल्लोके ।। (शुक्ल यजुर्ववेद १७/२)

अर्थात् – हे अग्ने । ये इष्टकाऐं (पांच चित्तियो में स्थापित ) हमारे लिए अभीष्ट फलदायक कामधेनु गौ के समान हों । ये इष्टका परार्द्ध -सङ्ख्यक (१०००००००००००००००००) एक से दश ,दश से सौ, सौ से हजार ,हजार से दश हजार ,दश हजार से लाख ,लाख से दश लाख ,दशलाख से करोड़ ,करोड़ से दश करोड़ ,दश करोड़ से अरब ,अरब से दश अरब ,दश अरब से खरब ,खरब से दश खरब ,दश खरब से नील, नील से दश नील, दश नील से शङ्ख ,शङ्ख से दश शङ्ख ,दश शङ्ख से परार्द्ध ( लक्ष कोटि) है ।

यहाँ स्पष्ट एक एक। शून्य जोड़ते हुए काल गणना की गयी है ।
अब फिर आर्यभट्ट ने कैसे शून्य की खोज की ?
इसका जवाब है विज्ञान की दो क्रियाएँ हैं एक खोज (डिस्कवर ) दूसरी आविष्कार (एक्सपेरिमेंट) । खोज उसे कहते हैं जो पहले से विद्यमान हो बाद में खो गयी हो और फिर उसे ढूढा जाए उसे खोज कहते हैं ।
आविष्कार उसे कहते हैं जो विद्यमान नहीं है और उसे अलग अलग पदार्थों से बनाया जाए वो आविष्कार है ।
अब शून्य और अंको की खोज आर्यभट्ट ने की न कि आविष्कार किया
इसका प्रमाण सिंधु -सरस्वती सभ्यता (हड़प्पा की सभ्यता) जो की 1750 ई पू तक विलुप्त हो चुकी थी में अंको की गणना स्पष्ट रूप से अंकित है।

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Indian Music- Desh Raga

Indian Music Has a long history of over 2,000 years Closely linked to Hinduism and religious philosophy. Hindu Gods are worshipped through performances of Raga, both vocal and instrumental. The God Shiva is linked with music and dance. Divided into 2 categories: 1) Northern India (the Hindustani tradition) 2) South ( the Carnatic tradition) This set work is taken from Northern India.
The oral tradition Indian music is not written down, it is taught through listening and playing by ear – The oral tradition. Indian families have a system of master-pupil teaching known as a ‘gharana’. Father teaches son and the son would pass this on to the next generation. Playing styles change as new techniques are added by generations and so the process is a dual one of consolidation and evolution of playing skills.
Elements of Raga 3 most common elements of Indian music are: 1) The Melody – made up of improvised notes from a particular rag. Sung by voice or played on an instrument such as the ‘Sitar’ or ‘Sarod’. 2) The Drone – a supporting ‘drone’ of usually one or two notes provided by the ‘Tambura’. 3) The Rhythm – a repetitive, cyclic rhythmic pattern plated by the ‘Tabla Drums’.
The Melody – the Rag Is the set melody on which the music is improvised. Like a scale a ‘rag’ ascends and descends but the pitches differ in either direction. Unlike western classical music scales, the number of notes in a rag will vary considerably. Some rags have just 5 notes, like the pentatonic scale. Other rags have 7/8 notes. Examples are: Vibhas Rag and the Kalyan Rag
Melody – The Rag (ctd.) There are over 200 rags and each has a particular mood (called a rasa) associated with it. Not only are there morning and night rags, but also celebration rags, seasonal rags and some associated with certain feelings and emotions. There is virtually a rag for every occasion.
The Drone No sense of harmony in Indian raga music – emphasis is placed purely on the melody. However as soon as the piece begins you will hear a supportive drone usually based on the tonic and dominant notes of the chosen rag. This is played by the tambura. Its function is to add a sense of tuning/intonation. Its ever-present sound also adds texture to the music as a whole.
Rhythm – The Tala Provided by small tabla drums. Most common tala is the ‘teental’ (or tintal), which is a 16-beat pattern (each beat called a matras), organised in 4 bars as 4+4+4+4. Some other talas are based on 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 beats per cycle. Complex rhythms called ‘bols’ are played over this and go against the main beat creating exciting syncopations.
Rhythm – The Tala These rhythms must start and end together precisely on the first beat of the cycle, called ‘sam’. During performances the instrumentalist and drummer can try to copy and ‘out-do’ each other whilst still keeping within the cycle of beats, leading to some very exciting performances
Structure of a raga performance Alap – Opening - unmetred and improvised. Jhor – second section of a raga – medium tempo with improvisation. Jhalla – the third section of a raga – the lively tempo and virutoso display of improvisatory skills. Gat – the final section of a raga – a fixed composition with some improvised embellishments. Bandish – also the final section if the piece is vocal.
Instruments The Voice The Sitar The Sarangi The Sarod The Tambura Tabla Flute (bansuri) Oboe (shehnai)
General The rag is traditionally played at night. Rag Desh (country) is also known as a rainy season or monsoon raga. Primary moods (rasa) expressed are devotion, romance and longing, with origins in courtly love songs called ‘thumri’. The notes used in Rag Desh are based on the indian system known as ‘sargam’ in which the notes are called: Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni, Sa (tonic note C – Sa)
Notes in Rag Desh are: Sa– CNi-Bb Re – DDha-A Ma – FPa-G Pa – GMa-F Ni - BGa -E Sa-CRe-D Sa-C
3 Versions of Rag Desh Version 1 – Anoushka Shankar (sitar) Version 2 – Mhara janam maran performed by Chiranji Lal Tanwar (voice) Version 3 – Benjy Wertheimer (esraj and tabla) and Steve Gorn (bansuri)
Anoushka Shankar (Sitar) Instruments: Sitar and Table Structure: 3 mvts – Alap, Gat 1 and Gat 2 0.00 – 0.55 – Alap (slow and unmetered. Sitar unaccompanied and explores the notes of the rag.) 0.55 – 9.27 – Gat 1 (Sitar plays fixed composition, added decoration and tempo is medium speed (madhyalaya)). Tabla enters at 0.58 seconds and plays the 10 beat jhaptal tala.
Jhaptal (10 beats): (2+3+2+3) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Clap clap wave clap Tabla player adds decoration to this basic pattern. Also flourishes and ornaments in the sitar part. Comprises complex patterns of scalic passages including dialogue with the tabla in short melodic and rhythmic improvisations The tihai is played to indicate the end of these improvisations (research tihai).
Version 1 (ctd.) 3.55 – Sitar starts to improvise in triplets (chand). 5.02 – Improvisations with 4 notes per beat – sitar followed by table alternating. Tihai is used to mark the end of these solo sections. 9.27 – Gat 2 – This is faster than the 1 st Gat and uses the common teental (tintal) 16-beat tala. This is grouped in 4, 4-beat units (4+4+4+4). 10.10 – In this final part of the rag, drone strings are used on the sitar in strumming fashion providing striking rhythmic effect (jhalla). Ends with a tihai.
Version 2: Mhara janam maran Instruments: voice, sarangi, sarod, pakhawaj, cymbals and tabla. Pakhawaj is a large double headed drum. This song is a Hindu devotional song from Rajasthan and is known as a bhajan. Song tells of tender waiting in longing anticipation of the arrival of Lord Krishna in the morning. Translation – You are my companion through life and death and I cannot forget you night and day. My heart pines for you and I feel totally restless when I am not able to see you.
Version 2 (ctd.) Structure: 2 mvts. – Alap, Bhajan (song) The Tal used in this piece is the 8-beat Keherwa Tal (2+2+2+2) 12345678 Clapclapwaveclap 0.00-0.50 – Alap –short intro as the sarod player, then singer, vocalises a melody in free time based on the notes of the rag. This is a version of the chorus.
Version 2 (end) 0.50- end – Bhajan - This is the fixed composition, in this case a song in verse form. 0.50 – Tabla joins in 1.10 – Short sarod solo 1.22 – Sarangi Dynamics and tempo increase and the music becomes fast and exciting. The pattern is established as a verse (1.32/3.04/4.50) followed by the first line used as a refrain (chorus), followed by more solos for the sarod and sarangi.
Version 3: Benjy Wertheimer and Steve Gorn Instruments: Bansuri, esraj, tambura and tabla. Esraj – a fretted stringed instrument played sitting on the floor. 0.00-8.35 – (part 1) – Alap – a slow unmeasured section, Drone established by the table from the outset on Sa (C) and Pa (G). The Bansuri (flute) comes in using notes from the rag itself. This develops from trying out various pitches in short fragments to a more developed melodic part.
Version 3 (ctd.) 0.00 – 4.41 – (part 2) – Gat 1 – This is at a slow tempo. There is a lyrical unaccompanied melody for the bansuri and the tabla comes in at 0.31 playing the 7- beat rupak tala. Rupak Tala: (7 beats: 3+2+2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Waveclapclap
Version 3 (ctd.) 0.43 – Fixed composition begins. After this the music becomes more agitated and dramatic as improvisation takes over around the gat, while table played also embellishes upon the original tala pattern. Bansuri then plays the Gat repeatedly whilst the tala played improvises around the tala cycle. 3.32 – The two instruments swap function, so that the bansuri improvises while the table accompanies. Several tihais are heard to mark out section ends. The last of these leads into the second gat at 4.41
Version 3 (end) 4.41 – end (part 3) Gat 3 – A fast tempo (drut) in ektal tala. Ektal tal (12 beats: 2+2+2+2+2+2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Clap clap wave clap wave clap This is a 12-beat ektal tala. The table sets a fast tempo and the bansuri plays an elaborate gat containing wide ranges of pitch, scalic runs and slides. These fast scale passages are called tans. Several tihais are heard as the music draws to a close.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

वैदिक साहित्य में मांस भक्षकों को अत्यंत तिरस्कृत किया गया है

वैदिक साहित्य में मांस भक्षकों को अत्यंत तिरस्कृत किया गया है | उन्हें राक्षस, पिशाच आदि की संज्ञा दी गई है जो दरिन्दे और हैवान माने गए हैं तथा जिन्हें सभ्य मानव समाज से बहिष्कृत समझा गया है |
अनागोहत्या वै भीमा कृत्ये
मा नो गामश्वं पुरुषं वधीः --- अथर्ववेद १०।१।२९
It is definitely a great sin to kill innocents. Do not kill our cows, horses and people.
How could there be justification of cow and other animals being killed when killing is so clearly prohibited in the Vedas?
निर्दोषों को मारना निश्चित ही महा पाप है | हमारे गाय, घोड़े और पुरुषों को मत मार | वेदों में गाय और अन्य पशुओं के वध का स्पष्टतया निषेध होते हुए, इसे वेदों के नाम पर कैसे उचित ठहराया जा सकता है?
अघ्न्या यजमानस्य पशून्पाहि -- यजुर्वेद १।१
हे मनुष्यों ! पशु अघ्न्य हैं – कभी न मारने योग्य, पशुओं की रक्षा करो |
“O human! animals are Aghnya – not to be killed. Protect the animals”
No violence against animals
यस्मिन्त्सर्वाणि भूतान्यात्मैवाभूद्विजानत:
तत्र को मोहः कः शोक एकत्वमनुपश्यत: -- यजुर्वेद ४०। ७
“Those who see all beings as souls do not feel infatuation or anguish at their sight, for they experience oneness with them”.
How could people who believed in the doctrines of indestructibility, transmigration dare to kill living animals in yajnas? They might be seeing the souls of their own near and dear ones of bygone days residing in those living beings.
जो सभी भूतों में अपनी ही आत्मा को देखते हैं, उन्हें कहीं पर भी शोक या मोह नहीं रह जाता क्योंकि वे उनके साथ अपनेपन की अनुभूति करते हैं | जो आत्मा के नष्ट न होने में और पुनर्जन्म में विश्वास रखते हों, वे कैसे यज्ञों में पशुओं का वध करने की सोच भी सकते हैं ? वे तो अपने पिछले दिनों के प्रिय और निकटस्थ लोगों को उन जिन्दा प्राणियों में देखते हैं |
अनुमन्ता विशसिता निहन्ता क्रयविक्रयी
संस्कर्ता चोपहर्ता च खादकश्चेति घातकाः -- मनुस्मृति ५।५१
Those who permit slaying of animals; those who bring animals for slaughter; those who slaughter; those who sell meat; those who purchase meat; those who prepare dish out of it; those who serve that meat and those who eat are all murderers.
मारने की आज्ञा देने वाला, पशु को मारने के लिए लेने वाला, बेचने वाला, पशु को मारने वाला,
मांस को खरीदने और बेचने वाला, मांस को पकाने वाला और मांस खाने वाला यह सभी हत्यारे हैं |
5 .
ब्रीहिमत्तं यवमत्तमथो माषमथो तिलम्
एष वां भागो निहितो रत्नधेयाय दान्तौ मा हिंसिष्टं पितरं मातरं च
अथर्ववेद ६।१४०।२
O teeth! You eat rice, you eat barley, you gram and you eat sesame. These cereals are specifically meant for you. Do not kill those who are capable of being fathers and mothers.
हे दांतों की दोनों पंक्तियों ! चावल खाओ, जौ खाओ, उड़द खाओ और तिल खाओ |
यह अनाज तुम्हारे लिए ही बनाये गए हैं | उन्हें मत मारो जो माता – पिता बनने की योग्यता रखते हैं |
य आमं मांसमदन्ति पौरुषेयं च ये क्रविः
गर्भान् खादन्ति केशवास्तानितो नाशयामसि -- अथर्ववेद ८। ६।२३
We ought to destroy those who eat cooked as well as uncooked meat, meat involving destruction of males and females, foetus and eggs.
वह लोग जो नर और मादा, भ्रूण और अंड़ों के नाश से उपलब्ध हुए मांस को कच्चा या पकाकर खातें हैं, हमें उन्हें नष्ट कर देना चाहिए |
अनागोहत्या वै भीमा कृत्ये
मा नो गामश्वं पुरुषं वधीः -- अथर्ववेद १०।१।२९
It is definitely a great sin to kill innocents. Do not kill our cows, horses and people.
How could there be justification of cow and other animals being killed when killing is so clearly prohibited in the Vedas?

निर्दोषों को मारना निश्चित ही महा पाप है | हमारे गाय, घोड़े और पुरुषों को मत मार | वेदों में गाय और अन्य पशुओं के वध का स्पष्टतया निषेध होते हुए, इसे वेदों के नाम पर कैसे उचित ठहराया जा सकता है?
अघ्न्या यजमानस्य पशून्पाहि
यजुर्वेद १।१
“O human! animals are Aghnya – not to be killed. Protect the animals”
हे मनुष्यों ! पशु अघ्न्य हैं – कभी न मारने योग्य, पशुओं की रक्षा करो |
पशूंस्त्रायेथां -- यजुर्वेद ६।११
Protect the animals.
पशुओं का पालन करो |
द्विपादव चतुष्पात् पाहि -- यजुर्वेद १४।८
Protect the bipeds and quadrupeds!
हे मनुष्य ! दो पैर वाले की रक्षा कर और चार पैर वाले की भी रक्षा कर |
ऊर्जं नो धेहि द्विपदे चतुष्पदे -- यजुर्वेद ११।८३
“May all bipeds and quadrupeds gain strength and nourishment”
This mantra is recited by Hindus before every meal. How could the same philosophy which prays for well-being of every soul in every moment of life, approve of killing animals?
सभी दो पाए और चौपाए प्राणियों को बल और पोषण प्राप्त हो | हिन्दुओं द्वारा भोजन ग्रहण करने से पूर्व बोले जाने वाले इस मंत्र में प्रत्येक जीव के लिए पोषण उपलब्ध होने की कामना की गई है | जो दर्शन प्रत्येक प्राणी के लिए जीवन के हर क्षण में कल्याण ही चाहता हो, वह पशुओं के वध को मान्यता कैसे देगा ?
No violence in Yajna
अध्वर इति यज्ञानाम – ध्वरतिहिंसा कर्मा तत्प्रतिषेधः -- निरुक्त २।७
According to Yaaska Acharya, one of the synonyms of Yajna in Nirukta or the Vedic philology is Adhvara.
Dhvara means an act with himsa or violence. And therefore a-dhvara means an act involving no himsa or no violence. There are a large number of such usage of Adhvara in the Vedas.
निरुक्त या वैदिक शब्द व्युत्पत्ति शास्त्र में यास्काचार्य के अनुसार यज्ञ का एक नाम अध्वर भी है | ध्वर का मतलब है हिंसा सहित किया गया कर्म, अतः अध्वर का अर्थ हिंसा रहित कर्म है | वेदों में अध्वर के ऐसे प्रयोग प्रचुरता से पाए जाते हैं |
अग्ने यं यज्ञमध्वरं विश्वत: परि भूरसि
स इद देवेषु गच्छति -- ऋग्वेद १ ।१।४
O lord of effulgence! The non-violent Yajna, you prescribe from all sides, is beneficial for all, touches divine proportions and is accepted by noble souls.
हे दैदीप्यमान प्रभु ! आप के द्वारा व्याप्त हिंसा रहित यज्ञ सभी के लिए लाभप्रद दिव्य गुणों से युक्त है तथा विद्वान मनुष्यों द्वारा स्वीकार किया गया है |

अनिल विभ्रांत आर्य