Wednesday, December 17, 2014


• What is Dharma •

धारणात् धर्मः - that which holds together or supports is dharma.
The word ‘dharma’ (धर्म) in Sanskrit is derived from the root धृ meaning ‘to hold’, ‘to bear’, ‘to carry’ or ‘to support’.In this sense dharma encompasses all ethical, moral, social and other values or principles, code of conduct and behavior which contribute to the well-being, sustenance and harmonious functioning of individuals, societies and nations and which prevent their disintegration. In a wider sense it is dharma which sustains and supports the whole world. This word has gathered around itself such richness of meaning and wealth of associations that it is impossible to translate it into a single word in any other language, Indian or foreign.
In many Indian languages the word ‘dharma’ is used to denote ‘religion’. However, in Sanskrit, there is no word which is the exact equivalent of ‘religion’. The word ‘religion’ connotes a set of dogmas and beliefs, a code of conduct, a Founder, a Sacred Book and a Church or similar institution. Such a concept of Institutionalized religion is alien to Hindu thought. In fact, Hinduism (more properly ‘Sanatana Dharma‘ ) accommodates within its fold people with widely differing beliefs and dogmas. It is therefore no wonder that Sanskrit does not have a word which is the exact equivalent of ‘religion’ in the sense mentioned above.
‘Dharma’ is also used in Indian languages to denote ‘duty’, ‘righteousness’, ‘virtue’, ‘justice’, ‘morality’, ‘charity’, ‘innate tendency’ etc. All these represent only a particular aspect of ‘dharma’. There is no single word which can be substituted for the Sanskrit word ‘Dharma’. This is also the case with English and other western languages where the difficulty in translating the term is enhanced because of the cultural divide. In fact the word ‘dharma’ has already been assimilated into the lexicon of the English language.
‘Dharma’ is a unique human attribute
An oft-quoted verse in Sanskrit says:
आहारनिद्राभयमैथुनानि सामान्यमेतत्पशुभिर्नराणाम् ।
धर्मो हि तेषामधिको विशेषो धर्मेण हीनाः पशुभिस्समानाः ॥
’Eating, sleeping, fearing and mating – human beings have these in common with animals. What distinguishes them from animals is dharma. Those devoid of dharma are no better than animals’
Only human beings are endowed with the capacity to distinguish between what is dharma and what is adharma, the opposite of dharma. Human beings are endowed with an inner conscience which cautions us when we contemplate deviating from the righteous path. This, of course, assumes that we have not smothered this inner voice by habitually breaking the counsel of that voice. Without adherence to dharma humans will sink to the level of animals.
Importance of Dharma :
Decline of dharma and ascendancy of adharma ( the opposite of dharma) will result in such chaotic conditions and destabilization on the Earth that the Lord Himself comes down in human form to re-establish the reign of Dharma. Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita:
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत ।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ॥
परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् ।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे युगे ॥
’whenever there is decline of dharma and ascendancy of adharma, I take birth Myself on this Earth to establish the rule of Dharma. In every Yuga I incarnate myself to protect the virtuous and destroy the wicked.’
Shankara’s definition of Dharma
The first Shankaracharya defines dharma in the following words:
अभ्युदयनिःश्रेयसकारणो चोदनालक्षणो धर्मः
That which the Sruti (the Vedas) prompts us to do and which will result in our material and spiritual advancement is dharma. An illustration of this definition can be given from the Taittiriya Upanishad wherein the Teacher (Acharya) addresses his pupils on the completion of their Vedic studies:
सत्यं वद । धर्मं चर। स्वाध्यायान्मा प्रमदः। ……………. मातृदेवो भव। पितृदेवो भव। आचार्यदेवो भव । अतिथिदेवो भव । …………….
Mother Sruti, through the medium of the teacher’s address to his pupils, prompts us to speak the truth, walk on the path of dharma,do swadhyaya without fail (study the scriptures regularly) and look upon one’s mother, father, teacher and also the guest as divine. Being the exhortations of Mother Sruti for our own material and spiritual benefit , the above codes of conduct comes within Shankara’s definition of dharma.
Manu on the Essence of Dharma
How do we distinguish between dharma and adharma ? Manu has this to say in answer to this question:
वेदः स्मृतिः सदाचारः स्वस्य च प्रियमात्मनः।
एतच्चतुर्विधं प्राहुः साक्षाद्धर्मस्य लक्षणम् ॥
That which the Vedas and dharma sastras prompt us to do is dharma. The example set by noble and exalted souls by their conduct (सदाचारः) and what one’s own conscience says is also dharma. Manu also says:
धृतिः क्षमा शमोऽस्तेयं शौचमिन्द्रियनिग्रहः।
धीर्विद्या सत्यमक्रोधो दशकं धर्मलक्षणम् ॥
‘Steadfastness or determination (धृतिः), patience (क्षमा), control of the mind (शमः), non-stealing (अस्तेयं), purity of mind, body and speech (शौचं), control of the senses (इन्द्रियनिग्रहः), an inquiring intellect (धीः), knowledge which leads to liberation (विद्या), truth in thought, word and deed (सत्यं) and controlling anger (अक्रोधः) – these ten are the marks of dharma’
What Manu says about the inner conscience being the arbiter of dharma, finds expression in the following lines from shankuntlam of Kalidasa, the great poet:
सतां हि सन्देहपदेषु वस्तुषु प्रमाणमन्तःकरणप्रवृत्त्यः .
When a person of exalted character is in doubt whether a particular course of action is right or not, he has only to listen to his inner conscience. What this inner voice approves is right, what it does not is wrong.
In case of doubt
In the Taittiriya Upanishad, in the context of the Acharya’s address to the students, the question arises about the course of action to be followed when one is in doubt whether an action or conduct is in conformity with dharma or not. The Teacher says:
अथ यदि ते कर्मविचिकित्सा वा वृत्तविचिकित्सा वा स्यात्। ये तत्र ब्रह्मणाः सम्मर्शिनः। युक्ताः आयुक्ताः । अलूक्षा धर्मकामाः स्युः । यथा ते तत्र वर्तेरन् । तथा तत्र वर्तेथाः ।
‘When you are in doubt whether an action or conduct is right or wrong, you should follow the example set by men of noble thoughts and deeds who are kind-hearted, who are ever willing to give sound advice and who always desire dharma alone.’
Duty to protect and uphold dharma
It is the duty of everyone to protect dharma. Manu says “धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः’ meaning dharma protects those who protect it. The same idea is expressed in Valmiki Ramayana wherein Kausalya tells Rama before he leaves for the forest:
यं पालयसि धर्मं त्वं धृत्या च नियमेन च।
स वै राघवशार्दूल धर्मस्त्वामभिरक्षतु॥
’O Raghava! Dharma which you uphold with steadfastness and discipline protect you from all sides’.
Sanatana dharma and yuga dharma
The religion of the Hindus is known as Sanatana dharma the core values of which are embodied in the following lines from Manu Smriti:
धृतिः क्षमा शमोऽस्तेयं शौचमिन्द्रियनिग्रहः।
धीर्विद्या सत्यमक्रोधो दशकं धर्मलक्षणम् ॥
The values enumerated in the above lines of Manu are valid for all times (Yugas). They form the core of Sanatana dharma. On the other hand yugadharma is valid for a particular age or Yuga. These evolve based on the particular social, political and other circumstances prevailing in a particular age. Yugadharma may change when the yuga changes but Sanatana dharma remains the same for all yugas
The dilemma of dharma and adharma
Man is often confronted with situations wherein he is unable to decide which course of action is dharma and which is not. We have the classic example of Arjuna who comes to the battlefield to wage a righteous war with the Kauravas. But he finds his own kith and kin and his own revered teachers in the opposite camp. Arjuna is unable to decide which is his dharma, killing his own kinsmen and teachers in a war or retreating from the scene of action. The Lord had to expound the whole of the Gita to resolve his inner conflict. The Lord says to Arjuna:
सुखदुःखे समे कृत्वा लाभालाभौ जयाजयौ ।
ततो युद्धाय युज्यस्व नैवं पापमवाप्स्यसि ॥
’O Arjuna! Engage yourself in this fight with a mind which accepts with equanimity pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat. Thus you will not be tainted by your actions’.
The conflict between dharma and adharma goes on all the time, both in the external world and in the internal world of man. The kurukshetra war typifies this battle in which the final victory is always of dharma. The Lord Himself was on the side of dharma represented by the Pandavas.
Importance of swadharma
One’s dharma differs from that of another person depending on one’s calling, place in the family, place in society, station in life and other circumstances. The Gits says:
स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेयः परधर्मो भयावहः।
It is better to die doing one’s own dharma than following परधर्म i.e another man’s dharma. Following परधर्म may have frightening consequences. What is swadharma to a butcher cannot be swadharma to a brahmin and vice versa.
Srimad Bhagavata tells the story of dharma vyadha, a butcher by calling, who practiced his swadharma as a Karma Yogi would. He did his allotted work in life with a detached mind and served his old parents with all his heart, seeing in them God incarnate. By the practice of swadharma in this manner he became a highly evolved soul spiritually. He was considered competent to impart spiritual instruction to even a brahmin by birth. Such is the power of practicing swadharma in the right spirit, offering the fruits of one’s actions in loving devotion to the Lord.
The highest dharma according to Bhishma
In the Mahabharata, Yudhishthira asks Bhishma Pitamaha “को धर्मः सर्वधर्माणां भवतः परमो मत:” “Which is the highest of all dharmas?” Bhishma replies:
एष मे सर्वधर्माणां धर्मोऽधिकतमो मतः।
यद्भक्त्या पुण्डरीकाक्षं स्तवैरर्चेन्नरस्सदा ॥
’ The highest dharma is to worship the lotus-eyed Lord vishnu with devotion by singing hymns in his praise’. This is perhaps the easiest dharma which can be practiced in this Kali Yuga.
Surrender to the Divine Will, the ultimate dharma
The final pronouncement on dharma comes from Lord Krishna Himself in the 18th chapter of the Gita:
सर्वधर्मान् परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज।
अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः ॥
‘O Arjuna ! leave aside all dharma and take refuge in me alone in total surrender. I shall free you from all sins, do not grieve’.
By totally surrendering oneself to the Divine, one becomes truly an instrument of the Divine. Such a person is incapable of committing any sin. All his actions become dharma. The Divine will works through him and he becomes one with the Divine. Such a human being goes beyond dharma and adharma and all his conflicts are resolved.

Saturday, December 13, 2014


vedic astrology lesson

In higher states of Consciousness, many philosophic verities were cognised by the Sages which gave birth to the sciences called Astrology, Numerology, Yoga & Vedanta. All sciences study Being. Physics is the science of Being as Matter, as Energy. Chemistry is the science of Being as Qualities.
Mathematics is the Science of Being as Numbers. Biology, the science of Being as Life. But the philosophia prima ( Vedanta ) is the Science of Being as Being, in its pure state. While the Science of Being ( Vedanta ) & the Art of Living ( Yoga ) dominated the six main sciences, the six auxiliary sciences were dominated by the Science of Being as Time ( Astrology ).
The Law of Corresondences - Western and Eastern Views
In the Occident, the divine Hermes Trismegistus spelt out the Law of Correspondences saying " That which is on high is that which is on below, that which is on below is that which is on high, in order that the miracle of Unity may be perpetual ".
In the Orient, Aurobindo averred " The mystery of the lotus cannot be deciphered by analysing the mud below, but by analysing the heavenly archetype of the lotus that blooms forever in the heavens above".

The role of Jupiter in Horoscopy

The biggest planet in the solar system, Jupiter is
considered to be one of the most important planets. 1300
earths can be fit into Jupiter. He is the indicator of
Divine Grace and if he be benign, the entire horoscope is
considered benign. On the other hand , if he be weak, the
horoscope loses its intrinsic strength.

Jupiterian Effects in the 12 Houses

Jupiter in the Ascendant

Jove in the Ascendant makes one scholary, beatuiful, jovial.
Jovian influence on the First House endows one with majestic
appearance, magnetic personality, learning and wisdom. High
longevity is conferred by Jovian presence in the First.
Scholarship will grace in no uncertain measure. Will be
respected by the multitude. Will be handsome and will have a
high discriminative intellect.

Jupiter in the Second House

In the second Jove bestows poetic faculites, handsomeness,
wealth and fame. Will have the gift of the gab or the divine
gift of articulate speech. Will speak beautifully. Will have
scholarship and learning.

The wisdom planet in the house of speech makes one

Jove in the 3rd makes one miserly and not an altruist. Will
have to face many a defeat. Will have bad relations with
brothers and sisters.

Will be the subject of ridicule. Will have stomach problems.

Jupiter in the Fourth House

Jovian tenancy of the fourth makes one hedonistic with a lot
of friendsand relatives. Will be fortunate with respect to
house. Your fame will cross the seas and spread all over the
land. Will be of adamantine nature. Will enjoy all the
comforts of life.

Jupiter in the Fifth House

High intelligence is conferred by the position of Jupiter in
the fifth. Wealth will grace you in no uncertain measure.
May be worried due to children. Will be versatile. Jupiter
in one of the moral triangles can make one highly moral and

Jupiter in the Sixth House

Jove in the sixth is the destroyer of enemies. Will be lazy
and physically weak. May resort to occult rites.

Jupiter in the Seventh House

Will be equivalent to a king as the royal planet of Wisdom
becomes posited in a quadrant. Will destroy a lakh of
afflictions. Will have high communication ability.
Scholarly, a lover of poetry, handsome, will be more liberal
than the father, famous with good life-partner and children-
these are the effects of a benign Jove in the seventh.

Jupiter in the Eighth House

This adverse postion of Jupiter makes one dependent on
others, will do sinful acts, will have high longevity, will
be well liked by all, will do jobs on behalf of others, will
be highly determined & will be interested in base women.

Jupiter in the Ninth House

Jovian tenancy of the Ninth makes one highly spiritual. Will
have devotion to preceptors, will be scholarly and well
informed, will be of ministerial cadre, will be famous &
will be highly moral and ethical.

Jupiter in the Tenth House

This benign position of Jupiter makes one well off in life.
Will be equivalent to a lord, will be famous with comforts,
vehicles and children, will be virtuous, scholarly and

Jupiter in the Eleventh House

Jupiter well posited in the eleventh makes one highly
determined, scholarly with good longevity, with multiple
streams of income, famous and with a lot of conveyances.

Jupiter in the Twelfth House

In the adverse 12th, Jupiter makes one devoid of happiness,
sons & fortune Earlier wealth gets destroyed. Will be
lacking in funds most of the time. Will be lazy and will
lack proper education. Will be ridiculed by many. Will have
dubious character.


vedic astrology lesson
The foremost amongst the six auxiliary sciences is Sidereal Astrology according to the Indian Sages. It has been rightly called as the Vision of the Vedas. She is the most perfect amongst all the auxiliary sciences, says one poetic verse, highlighting its importance in Higher Superconscient Learning. 
In Sanskrit "Vid " means to know. Veda means Knowledge. It is equivalent to the Episteme of the Greeks and the Scientia of the Latinists ( Scire - to know, Scientia ( Science ) - Knowledge). 
The Deep Exaltation Points of Planets 

In the 5th degree of Cancer, Jupiter is in a state of deep exaltation. 
Moon       3rd degree of      Taurus 
Saturn     20th degree of     Libra 
Venus      27th degree of     Pisces 
Mercury    16th degree of     Virgo 
Sun        10th degree of     Aries 
Mars       28th degree of     Capricorn 
The Deep Debilitation Points of Planets
180 degrees from the deep exaltation point is the deep debilitation point and is therefore ( for planets )
Jupiter   5th degree of     Capricorn
Moon      3rd degree of     Scorpio 
Saturn    20th degree of    Aries 
Venus     27th degree of    Virgo
Mercury   16th degree of    Pisces
Sun       10th degree of    Libra 
Mars      28th degree of    Cancer 

The Dispositor Theory
A planet transmits its power to the signs owned by it. For instance, Jupiter owns Sagittarius and Pisces. If Jupiter is exalted, then Sagittatariius and Pisces becomes powerful. Not only the signs owned by the planet, but the Planets posited in these signs also become powerful. Dispositor is the planet who is the lord of the sign. For instance, if Mars is in Cancer, Cancer is owned by the Moon and hence Moon becomes the dispositor of Mars.
Exaltation Dispositor
The planet who gets exalted in a sign is called the Exaltation dispositor.
For instance, Jupiter get exalted in Cancer. Hence the exaltation dispositor of Cancer is Jupiter and its dispositor, Moon!
Cancellation of Debilitation ( Neechabhanga )
We know that planets gets exalted in certain signs and debilitated in certain signs.The debilitation sign is 180 degrees from the exaltation sign.
Debilitation is cancelled due to 2 factors
1. When the dispositor is in a quadrant ( 1,4,7 & 10 houses ) either from the Ascendant or the Lunar Ascendant
2. When the exaltation dispositor is in a quadrant either from the Ascendant or the Lunar Ascendant
This Cancellation of Debilitation is considered to be a powerful Regal Yoga or Conjunction ( Raja Yoga ).
Planets in Quadrants
1,4,7.10 houses are called quadrants. 1,5,9 houses are called Trines.
Benefic planets like Jupiter, Venus & Mercury are considered to be powerful when they are posited in quadrants. It is said that that these  natural benefics in quadrants can destroy crores of afflictions!
If natural malefics own quadrants, they become benefics. Mars &  Saturn are good as owners of quadrants.  On the other hand, if natural benefics likeVenus and Jupiter own quadrants, they are vitiated by Quadrangular ownership. They become functional malefics.
The trinal lords ( lords of 1,5 & 9 ) are considered powerful.
Colours of Planets
Jupiter Golden Hue
Moon Fair
Mars Deep red
Mercury Greenish
Saturn Black
Venus Polished Light Black
RahuBlack ( Resembles Saturn )
KetuRed   (Resembles Mars )
Significators of Houses
8th House 
Ist House Sun
2nd House Jupiter
3rd House Mars
4th House Moon
5th House Jupiter
6th House Saturn
7th House Venus
9th HouseJupiter
10th House Sun
11th House Jupiter
12th House Saturn

Signs as Significators of the Elemental Five!
Aries Leo Scorpio  Fiery Signs
Taurus Cancer Libra Watery Signs
Gemini Virgo Earthly Signs
Capricorn Aquarius  Airy Signs
Sagittarius Pisces Etheric Signs
Classical Philosophy has The Law of Correspondences as its base.
" As Above, so Below", the Earth is an exact replica of Heaven!
Based on the Pythagorean Law of Vibration, the nine digits correspond to the nine revolving heavens and this science came to be known as the science of Astro-Numerology.

Gemologists have found that the vibrations of gems correspond to the vibrations of the planets and this came to be known as Astro-Gemology.


Vedic Astrology Lesson 4
As the earth sphere is divided into the Western & the Eastern hemispheres by the Prime Meridien ( the Greenwich Meridien ) so is the Celestial Sphere divided into Western and Eastern hemispheres by the Celestial Meridien. As the globe is divided into northern and southern hemispheres by the Equator, so is the Celestial Sphere divided into the nothern and southern hemispheres by the Celestial Equator.

The Four Major Mathematical Points of the Zodiac
In Astronomy the Eastern Horizon is called the Ascendant. 180 degrees from it is the Western Horizon called as the Descendant. The intersecting point where the Ecliptic cuts the Celestial Meridien is called the Meridien Cusp ( M C ) and 180 degrees from it is called the Imum Coeli ( I C ).

The Computation of Houses
First the longitude of the Ascendant is calculated by using the following formula

Tan L    =                   Sin E
                  Cos E Cos w - Sin w Tan A
Where L is the Ascendant, E is the Right Ascension of East Point , w the  Sun's maximum declination and A - the latitude of the place. Once the Ascending degree is known , 180 degrees is subtracted to get the  Descendant.

 The MC is calculated by using the following formula

 Tan K = Tan R / Cos w
Where K is the longitude of the MC, R the Right Ascension of the Meridien  Cusp and w the Sun's maximum declination. 180 degrees deducted from the MC is the longitude of the IC.

These 4 are the Four Houses of the Zodiac. Ascendant is the Ist House,  IC the Fourth, Descendant the Seventh and MC, the tenth.

We have said that each sign of the Zodiac is 30 degrees each. If the  Ascending Degree is Pisces, then the Ascendant is Pisces, the IC is Gemini, the Descendant is Virgo and the MC, Sagittarius.
Rulership of Signs
Aries ruled by Mars
Taurus  Venus
Gemini     Mercury
Cancer Moon
Virgo  Mercury
Libra    Venus
Scorpio  Mars
Capricorn    Saturn
Aquarius Saturn
Pisces Jupiter

Equal House Division or Bhava Theory

Now  we have got the longitudes of the Ascendant ( Udaya Lagna ) , the  Descendant ( Astha Lagna), the MC ( Madhya Lagna ) & the IC  ( Patala Lagna ).

 The distance from the Ascendant and the IC is divided by 3 and we have the first Three Houses.

 The distance from the IC and the Descendant is divided by 3 and we have the 4th,5th and 6th houses.

 The distance from the Descendant and MC is divided by 3 and we have the 7,8th and 9th houses

 The distance from the MC and Ascendant is divided by 3 and we have the 10,11 and 12th houses.

 The Houses of the Zodiac and what they represent

First HouseSignifies Personality and Fame
Second Signifies House Wealth
Third HouseSignifies Younger coborns, valour
Fourth House     Signifies Houses, conveyances
Fifth HouseSignifies Progeny, divine merit
Sixth House Signifies Enemies, debts
Seventh House Signifies Life Partner
Eighth HouseSignifies Death
Ninth House   Signifies Fortune, father, Guru
Tenth House         Signifies Profession
Eleventh HouseSignifies Gains, Fulfillment of all desires
Twelfth House  Signifies Liberation, incarceration.

The First House or Ascendant ( Lagna )

Fame and personality are indicated by the First House. The greatest wealth that is Health is also indicated by the Ascendant. Analysing the strength of the First house consists in assessing the strength of the Ascendant lord , the strength of the planets occupying the First House and the planets which aspect the Ascendant. If the First House is highly fortified, then the qualities denoted by the First House ( like Fame, Health and Personality ) will be highly fortified. If weak, then the qualities will be weak. viz the native will be less famous and mediocre.

The Second House

Wealth is ruled by the 2nd house. The other significations are family & speech. If the 2nd house is powerful , then the probability of the native acquring wealth will be high. Accumulated property is ruled by the 2nd house.

The Third House

Younger coborns are ruled by the 3rd house. Also colleagues.Valour and virility are also ruled by the 3rd house.

If the 3rd house or its lord is powerful, younger coborns achieve success. The native becomes known for his or her courage and valour
The Fourth House
Mother, friends, uncle, houses and conveyances are ruled by the Fourth. If the fourth house is powerful, then the native gets good conveyances & house. If weak, then the native struggles to get these acquisitions.

The Fifth House

 Intelligence is ruled by the Fifth house. If the 5th lord is powerful, the native becomes highly intelligent.

 Divine merit is also indicated by the Fifth House, the fifth being a moral triangle.

 The Sixth House

 Enemies and debts are ruled by the sixth house. If the sixth house is powerful, enemies get destroyed.

 The native becomes debt-free. On the other hand, if the sixth be weak, persecution from enemies and torture by debts.

 The Seventh House

Life-partner is indicated by the seventh house. The native gets a rich partner if the seventh house is powerful. Diplomacy is also indicated by the seventh house.

The Eighth House

Death is indicated by the eighth louse. Lots of longevity if the eighth house is powerful. If the eighth house be powerful, less obstacles & hindrances on the path of life. Also 8th represents subordinates.

The Ninth House

Fortune, Guru, Divine Merit - all these are the characteristics of the Ninth House. If the ninth house is powerful, spiritual progress and the smiling of Fortune. The Ninth House can confer not only Fortune, but also a cordially disposed spouse and good children too. Also Ninth represents Senior Office and supervisors.

The Tenth House

This is considered to be a very important House as it indicates one's profession.

If the tenth lord is powerful, the native becomes reputed . Professional enhancement and reputation.

The Eleventh House

This is the house of Gains and Fulfillment of all desires. All planets are welcome in the Eleventh. Excellent position for Saturn and Jupiter to be in. If the eleventh lord is powerful, even anarchic qualities may manifest.

The Twelfth House

This is the house of Liberation. Excellent position for South Node (Ketu) to be in( as he is signiicator of Liberation ).On the negative side, incarceration and loss indicated by this house.

If the twelfth house is powerful, the native attains to Liberation, provided Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu are well posited.

While analysing the strength of Houses, the strength of its Lord, the strength of the planet posited in the House, the aspects of other planets on it - all these factors should be considered.

The Law of Correspondences of Classical Philosophy applies to astrological science.

The Correspondence between the Nine digits and the nine revolving heavens is the science of AstroNumerology.

More quality information about Astro-Numerology and a free Astro- Numerological Report can be had from

The Correspondence between the Nine gems and the Nine planets is the science of Astro-Gemology.


vedic astrology lesson
The real path of the earth around the Sun is called the Ecliptic.

9 degrees to either side of the Ecliptic is a belt of the Heavens known as
the Zodiac. ( Dante called it the Oblique Line that beareth all planets).


First 30 degrees of the Zodiac constitute the sign of Aries. The next 30
degrees Taurus and so on. The Zodiac counted from the first degree of
Aries to the 360th degree of Pisces is called the Tropical Zodiac.
The Limbs of the Sidereall Zodiac
Sign Degrees

Aries 00 -    30
Taurus 30 -    60
Gemini 60 -    90
Cancer 90 - 120
Leo 120 -150
Virgo 150 -180
Libra 180 -210
Scorpio 210 -240
Sagittarius 240 -270
Capricorn 270- 300
Aquarius300 -330
Pisces 330 -360
These 12 signs are the limbs of the Cosmic Man or Time Eternal
( Kalapurusha- The Almighty Self as Time )

Aries is His head, Taurus His face, Gemini His neck, Cancer His heart,
Leo the place beneath, Virgo His belly, Libra His generative organs, Scorpio
the place beneath, Sagittarius His upper thigh, Capricorn his lower thigh,
Aquarius His leg and Pisces His feet !

The Zodiac is tenanted by 27 constellations each of them spread over an arc
of 13 degrees 20 minutes. The Zodiac counted from the first degree of Beta
Arietis ( Aswini) to the 360th degree of Zeta Piscium ( Revathi) is known
as the Sidereal Zodiac.

Western Astrology is based on the Tropical Zodiac and the Vedic on the

The Limbs of the Sidereal Zodiac

           Name of Constellation                                     Deg Min                              Deg Min

1.          Beta Arietis              ( Aswini )                          00 00                                13 20
2.          41 Arietis                 ( Bharani )                         13 20                                26 40
3.          Eta Tauri                  ( Karthika )                       26 40                                40 00
4.          Alpha Tauri              ( Rohini )                           40 00                                53 20
5.          Lamda Orionis         ( Mrigasira )                      53 20                                 66 40
6.          Alpha Orionis           ( Aridra )                          66 40                                 80 00
7.          Beta Geminorum       ( Punarvasu )                    80 00                                 93 20
8.          Delta Cancri              ( Pushya )                        93 20                               106 40
9.          Alpha Cancri             ( Aslesha )                     106 40                               120 00
10.        Alpha Leonis             ( Magha )                      120 00                               133 20
11.        Delta Leonis              ( Pubba )                       133 20                               146 40
12.        Beta Leonis               ( Uttara )                       146 40                               160 00
13.        Delta Corvi                ( Hasta )                       160 00                               173 20
14.        Alpha Virginis            ( Chitra )                       173 20                               186 40
15.        Alpha Bootis              ( Chothi )                      186 40                               200 00
16.        Beta Librae                ( Vishakam)                  200 00                               213 20
17.        Delta Scorpi               ( Anuradha)                  213 20                               226 40
18.        Alpha Scorpi              ( Jyeshta )                     226 40                               240 00
19.        Lamda Scorpi             ( Moola )                      240 00                               253 20
20.        Delta Sagittari             ( Poorvashad )              253 20                               266 40
21.        Delta Sagittari             ( Uthrashad )                 266 40                               280 00
22.        Alpha Aquilae             ( Sravana )                    280 00                               293 20
23.        Alpha Delphini            ( Dhanishta )                  293 20                               306 40
24.        Lamda Aquari             ( Satabhisha)                 306 40                               320 00
25.       Alpha Pegasi                ( Poorvabhadra)            320 00                               333 20
26.       Alpha Andromeda        ( Uttrarabhadra)            333 20                               346 40
27.        Zeta Piscium                ( Revathi )                     346 40                               360 00

The Portfolios of Planets

In the celestial Government of the Almighty, the Sun is the King and Moon
is the Queen! Mars, the Defense Minister, Mercury, the Prince, Venus &
Jupiter the Ministers and Saturn is the messenger!

                       The Sun represents the             Soul of the Cosmic Man
                       The Moon                                         Mind
                        Mars                                                  Physical Strength
                       Mercury                                            Speech
                       Jupiter                                              Happiness Learning & Wisdom
                       Venus                                                The Libido
                        Saturn                                              Sorrow

English Literature & Astrology

Homer referred to the mighty Orion. Cicero assigned divinity to the stars.
The great philosopher Origen believed that the stars and the
constellations were signs through which the Omnipotent Divine exerted His
malevolent or benevolent Will. Dante was an astrologer like Newton, Bacon,
Nostradamus, Companus, Paracelsus and others. To Dante, Astrology was
the noblest of all sciences. Dante drew a parallel between the seven liberal
arts and the seven planets in his Convivio. He gave grammar to the Moon
& Dialectic to Mercury. Shakespeare referred to the "operations of the orbs
by whom we doth exist and cease to be ". Christopher Marlowe referred to
the place where " Mars did mate the Carthiginians"!

Count Louis Hamon ( Cheiro ) declared that the message boldly
blazoned across the heavens ( the positions of the planets )
represented the Universal Will & that the precession of the Equinoxes
( 25,920 years - 360 degrees ) was so beautifully calculated by the
Great Geometrician of the Universe & that all biological processes
obey the divine order of the celestial bodies and this is expressed in
the prayer we were taught long ago " Thy Will be done, as in Heaven,
so on earth".!
When Pythagorus discoverd the Correspondence between the Nine revolving
heavens and the nine numbers, Astro-Numerology was born.

When the Indian Seers discovered the Correspondence between the Nine gems
and the Nine planets, Astro_Gemology was born.

Jupiter       Justitia                 Justice
Saturn  Temperantia Temperance
MarsFortitudo Fortitude
Venus Gnosis  Knowledge
Moon Understanding

Correspondences - In Integral Yoga and the Supramental Dialectic
Bliss Mercury


Revealed to the Indian Seers in yogic flashes of heightened Consciousness,
Astrology was developed strictly on scientific laws. Backed up by Astronomy
and Maths, Astrology continues to rule as the Queen & Mother of
all Sciences.

Astro Cycles Theory
Long Astro Cycles have fascinated mankind. This is the Vedic perspective of
Astro Cycles.

The Vernal Equinoctial Point was found to precede one degree in every 72
years. Hence as one Zodiacal Sign is 30 degrees in length, 2160 years is
the duration of an Age Cycle. We are at the moment undergoing the Piscean
Age which will give way to the Aquarian in 2444 AD.  It is called
the Piscean Age because the Vernal Equinoctial Point is passing through
Pisces and is at the moment 06 degrees 40 minutes 24 seconds in Pisces.

Age Cycle                               ( 72*30)                     =            2160 years
Precessional Cycle            (72*360)                    =            25920 years ( as the Zodiac is 360 degrees )
Equinoctial Cycle              (2000*2160)             =              43,20000 years
Cosmological Cycle          ( 2 million * 2160 ) =              4.32 billion years
One Cycle of Brahma      = 100 Brahma years
One Day of Brahma         = 4.32 billion years
Hence one Super Cosmological Cycle or 
Maha Manvantara = 4.32*2*365.25*100 = 311.04 trillion years  

One Cosmological Cycle ( Brahma Kalpa) was considered to be one
Brahma Day and another 4.32 billion years was considered to be
one Brahma Night. One Cosmological Cycle was one thousand
Equinoctial Cycles ( Chatur Yugas) or 2 million Age Cycles!

he Vedic Calendar - Based on Equinoctial Cycles

An Equinoctial Cycle comprises of 4 Ages.

Satya Yuga        
           =            800 Age Cycles
Threta Yuga                =            600 Age Cycles
Dwapara Yuga            =            400 Age Cycles
Kali Yuga                      =            200 Age Cycles

Maha Yuga                     =             2000 Age Cycles
( Equinoctial Cycle )

As per Vedic Astronomy, the Dark Age ( Kali Yuga ) commenced from 3102 BC ,
16th February Midnight.
The Concept of Ayanamsa

The Date of Coincidence of the Tropical and the Sidereal Zodiacs was found
to be 285 AD and the Ayanamsa ( precessional distance ) was called Lahiri's
Ayanamsa. Different scholars gave different dates but the Indian Govt in
order to standardise the Ayanamsa value took the initial point of the
Zodiac as the point in the Ecliptic opposite the star Chitra ( Alpha
Virginis ) which was the vernal equinoctial point on the Vernal Equinox day
of 285 AD. The rate of precession of the Vernal Equinox was taken as 50.3
seconds per sidereal year.

In Vedic Astrology, Ayanamsa value is deducted from the Tropical longitudes
of planets to get the Sidereal longitudes. Hence the longitudes of planets
in Western Astrology ( Tropical ) and Indian Astrology differ by 23.5
degrees this year. Natal charts cast in these 2 systems will be entirely

The Tropicalists ( Western Astrologers) maintain that the Vernal Point is in
the 6th degree of Pisces now . The Siderealists ( Vedic Astrologers )
maintain that the Sidereal Starting Point remains to be 0 degrees Beta
Arietis ( Aswini ) and that the Sidereal Zodiac doesn't change.
Scientific Offshoots of Astrology

Pythagorus discovered that the Nine numbers correspond to the Nine
revolving heavens and became the founder of Astro-Numerology. The
most auspicious number Three was represented by the monarch of
the sky, Jupiter.

Another intuitively scientific offshoot of Astrology was Vedic Planetary
Gemology. The nine gems correspond to the nine planets and Gems
were found to heal humans.This gave birth to the science of Gem Therapy.

Astrology as related to Yoga

As per Indian Philosophy, Astrology was considered to be the foremost
amonst the six auxiliary sciences as Yoga was considered to be the
foremost amongst the six main sciences. Even Yogis used to consult
astrologers about gaining Self-Actualisation. Jupiter, Saturn and the
South Node were considered to be the spiritual planets which bring in
Immortality or Self-Actualisation.

The Law of Correspondences

There is correspondence between the Seven planets and the Seven
Chakras or Dynamos of Cosmic Energy in Man. The Sun at the Centre
of the Solar System is represented by the Anahata Chakra and Saturn
by the Mooladhara Chakra. " As Above, so Below "- the seven energy
centers are arranged exactly as in the Solar Logos. We are, indeed ,
made in the image of Godhead, in His Image, in the image of the Almighty
Solar Logos!

In our next article we will deal with the properties of the nine revolving
heavens a
nd their significations.


An Introduction

Vedic Astrology, the Science of Time, the Eye of Wisdom and the foremost among the branches of knowledge has come to us from 18 seers. While Varaha Mihira is hailed as the Father of Indian Astrology, Parashara is hailed as the Father of Indian Predictive Astrology. IndianAstro-Physics is divided into 3 major portions - Siddhanta (Astronomy ), Samhita ( Astro-Philosophy ) & Hora ( Astrology ).

The English word " hour" is derived from the Sanskrit word Hora.
The Precession of the Equinoxes

While the Western astronomers compute everything from 0 degree Aries which is the beginning of the Tropical Zodiac, the Indian astronomers compute everything from 0 degrees Aswathi ( Beta Arietis ) , which is the beginning of the Sidereal Zodiac. Sidereal is derived from the Latin word "Sidereus" meaning the constellation of fixed stars. The Vernal Equinoctial Point was found to precede one degree in 72 years and hence 360*72 = 25920 years was fixed as the Precession of the Equinoxes or the Precessional Cycle.

Flamsteed anticipated 
Long before Flamsteed fixed the beginning of Zodiac at 0 degree Aries, the   Indian astronomer Brahmagupta fixed it at 0 degree Aswini ( Beta Arietis ). Another great astronomer-mathematician Aryabhata wrote treatises on Spherical Astronomy and Spherical Trignometry in his magnum opus  Aryabhateeyam. It is said that Arabs acquired a knowledge of maths and  astronomy only after Brahmagupta's Brahmasphutasiddhanta was translated into  Arabic ( As Sind Hind )! Albert Einstein rightly remarked " We owe a lot to  the Indians who taught us how to count without which no worthwhile discovery  could have been made " !  The Difference between the Tropical ( Western ) & The Sidereal ( Indian ) Zodiacs is round about 23 degrees this year. Sidereal Astrology is based on the immovable Zodiac- the Sidereal Zodiac - and Western Tropical Astrology is based on the Tropical Zodiac which is movable. 

The Philosophic Aspect 

As the destructive power is imbedded in the atom, so are the acts of preservation, creation and destruction invested in the womb of Almighty  Time. Time Eternal alone is the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. Past,Present & Future are imbedded in the womb of Time Eternal and a knower of Time can get an insight into Past, Present & Future. The Present is a product of the Past. Future is contained in the Present inasmuch as it is determined by the Present. The Lord equates Himself with the cosmic phenomenon of Time. " I am Time Eternal " declares He in the the Geetha ( "Kalosmi " ). Oppenheimer, the Father of the Atom Bomb quoted this verse from the Geetha when saw the first atomic explosion. To him, the destructive power of the atom was a mere manifestation of the destructive power of Time Eternal! 

Uses of Astrology 

 The Practical Aspect 
The great French mathematician Laplace advocated Probability as a weapon to cope up with Reality. Astrology is the application of the Law of Probability in toto, based on astronomical facts. Our life is hindered by many an obstacle & we are busy battling the barriers to Success. These barriers are always there, some known, some unknown. But via the Wisdom of the Heavens (Astrology ) these barriers can be known, why it is there and what are the heavenly causes which generated it. Everything happens by Cause. Classical Philosophy postulates that natural causes have corresponding celestial causes and this is known as the Law of Correspondences. This message is contained in the aphorism  " As above, so Below ". Once the causes are known to us from a bona fide astrologer, overcoming the barriers becomes easy. 
The scientist manipulates the effect: the diviner or the poet manipulates the Cause. Astrology and Yoga are sciences which deal with the Cause. The Divine is the Transcendant Causeless Cause .Astrology has been described as a Lamp in Darkness. Without it, life becomes a lightless nightmare and we roam about groping in the dark. "Forewarned is Forearmed ". It is the negative aspects of the planets which create all the barriers in our life. Once they are known, by means of the Great Art we can transcend its negativity. Life becomes more smooth sailing and success becomes ours.