Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Photo: According to a narration contained in the Mujma-t-Tawarikh (a twelfth-century Persian translation from the Arabic version of a lost Sanskrit work), thirty thousand Brahmans(educated men and women by knowledge, not by heredity) with their families and retinue had in ancient times been collected from all over India and had been settled in Sindh, under Duryodhana, the King of Hastinapur. (Ref. Al-Hind, the Making of the Indo-Islamic World by André Wink). 
Knowledge was considered too sacred, too important to be bartered recklessly for money, and hence any stipulation that fees ought to be paid was vigorously condemned. Financial support came from the society at large, as well as from rich merchants and wealthy parents. 

Takṣaśilā is reputed to derive its name from Takṣh, who was the son of Bharat (The brother of Bhagwan Shree Ram) and Mandavi. Legend has it that Takṣh ruled a kingdom called Takṣh Khand, and founded the city of Takṣaśilā. In the Great Sanatan Epic Mahābhārat, the Kuru heir Parikṣit was enthroned at Takṣaśilā. Traditionally, it is believed that the Mahabharat was first recited at Takṣaśilā by Vaishampayan, a disciple of Vyas at the behest of the seer Vyas himself, at the Sarp Satr Yajn (Snake Sacrifice) of Parikṣit's son Janamejay. 

Taxila was considered to be amongst the earliest universities in the world. Western historians with CHRISTIAN PROPAGANDA do not consider it a university in the modern sense, in that the teachers living there may not have had official membership of particular colleges, and there did not seem to have existed purpose-built lecture halls and residential quarters in Takshashila, along with university like NALANDA , SIRPUR , LALITAGIRI , UDAYAGIRI , RATANAGIRI Universities of ancient time . Takshashila had great influence on the Sanatan culture and Sanskrit language. It is perhaps best known because of its association with Chanakya, also known as Kautilya, the strategist who guided Chandragupt Maurya and assisted in the founding of the Mauryan Empire. 

1. Chandragupta Maurya's advisor Kautilya (also known as Chanakya) was a teacher at Takṣaśilā.
2. Herodotus
3. Pythogoras [ PrithviGuru ]
4. Charak
5. Panini
6. Vishnu sharma (author of panchatantr)
7. Jivak (siddharth gautam buddh's physician)

The Arthashastr (Sanskrit for The knowledge of Economics) of Chanakya, is said to have been composed in Takshashila itself. The Ayurvedic healer Charak also studied at Takshashila and later started teaching there. The ancient grammarian Pāṇini, who codified the rules that would define Classical Sanskrit, has also been part of the community at Takshashila. 
JEWELS OF BHARATAM ....SERIES[TM]According to a narration contained in the Mujma-t-Tawarikh (a twelfth-century Persian translation from the Arabic version of a lost Sanskrit work), thirty thousand Brahmans(educated men and women by knowledge, not by heredity) with their fa...milies and retinue had in ancient times been collected from all over India and had been settled in Sindh, under Duryodhana, the King of Hastinapur. (Ref. Al-Hind, the Making of the Indo-Islamic World by André Wink).
Knowledge was considered too sacred, too important to be bartered recklessly for money, and hence any stipulation that fees ought to be paid was vigorously condemned. Financial support came from the society at large, as well as from rich merchants and wealthy parents.

Takṣaśilā is reputed to derive its name from Takṣh, who was the son of Bharat (The brother of Bhagwan Shree Ram) and Mandavi. Legend has it that Takṣh ruled a kingdom called Takṣh Khand, and founded the city of Takṣaśilā. In the Great Sanatan Epic Mahābhārat, the Kuru heir Parikṣit was enthroned at Takṣaśilā. Traditionally, it is believed that the Mahabharat was first recited at Takṣaśilā by Vaishampayan, a disciple of Vyas at the behest of the seer Vyas himself, at the Sarp Satr Yajn (Snake Sacrifice) of Parikṣit's son Janamejay.

Taxila was considered to be amongst the earliest universities in the world. Western historians with CHRISTIAN PROPAGANDA do not consider it a university in the modern sense, in that the teachers living there may not have had official membership of particular colleges, and there did not seem to have existed purpose-built lecture halls and residential quarters in Takshashila, along with university like NALANDA , SIRPUR , LALITAGIRI , UDAYAGIRI , RATANAGIRI Universities of ancient time . Takshashila had great influence on the Sanatan culture and Sanskrit language. It is perhaps best known because of its association with Chanakya, also known as Kautilya, the strategist who guided Chandragupt Maurya and assisted in the founding of the Mauryan Empire.

1. Chandragupta Maurya's advisor Kautilya (also known as Chanakya) was a teacher at Takṣaśilā.
2. Herodotus
3. Pythogoras [ PrithviGuru ]
4. Charak
5. Panini
6. Vishnu sharma (author of panchatantr)
7. Jivak (siddharth gautam buddh's physician)

The Arthashastr (Sanskrit for The knowledge of Economics) of Chanakya, is said to have been composed in Takshashila itself. The Ayurvedic healer Charak also studied at Takshashila and later started teaching there. The ancient grammarian Pāṇini, who codified the rules that would define Classical Sanskrit, has also been part of the community at Takshashila


आर्यों को सन्देश

आर्य! उठ फिर भाग्य की उगती उषा के रंग हैं
एक कौतुक है कि जिस से देव दानव दंग हैं II
शीश पर तेरे सजाने को सुनहरा ताज है...
हो रहे अभिषेक के तेरे सजीले साज हैं II
दिग्विजय का गीत गाने को दिशाएं हैं अधीर
कीर्ति का कालख उड़ाने को हवाएं हैं अधीर II
सभ्यता डायन बनी है, राज्य है रावण बना
क्रूर कौतुक है कि कृष्णा-कान्त दुशासन बना II
क्लीव क्यों अर्जुन! खड़ा है? घोर रणचंडी जगा
शत्रु दल के दिल हिलें, टंकार कर गांडीव का II
क्रूरता पर कंस की फिर कृष्ण बन कर वार कर
शीश रावण का उड़ा, बेड़ा सिया का पार कर II
आज क्यों लंका अधिक प्यारी सिया से है तुझे?
देखता क्या है? पवन सुत! पाप का गढ़ फूँक दे II
राम बनना है तुझे, घर से निकल वनवास ले
ले! अभी लंका विजय होती तुझे है रास ले II
है डरा जाता वृथा क्यों? सिंह के सर पर दहाड़
बाघ की मूछें पकड़, दुष्यंत सुत! हिंसक पछाड़ II
गर्ज से तेरी हृदय संसार के जाएँ दहल
प्रेम की तानें उड़ा, पाषाण तक जाएँ पिघल II
गर्ज से गंभीर सागर की उमड़ती ठाठ हो
प्रेम का फिर से झकोरों में पवन के पाठ हो II
- पंडित चमूपति

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Greetings in sanskrit

  1. Good Morning = सुप्रभातम्
  2. Have a good day = सुदिनमस्तु
  3. How are you (masculine)? = कथमस्ति भवान् ?
  4. How are you (feminine) ? = कथमस्ति भवती ?
  5. Good evening = शुभः सायंकालः
  6. Good night = शुभरात्रिः
  7. Good bye!! or Bye ! Bye !! = शुभम्
  8. See you soon = शीघ्रम् मिलयामः
  9. Hearty wishes = हार्दिकाः शुभेच्छाः
  10. Thank you = धन्यवादाः
  11. Are you (masculine) fine ? = कुशली भवान् ?
  12. Are you (feminine) fine ? = कुशलिनी भवती ?
  13. Is everything fine ? = कुशलम् सर्वम् ?
  14. Excuse me please = क्षमस्व
  15. Yes = आम् or सत्यम्
  16. No = न or न तु
  17. Okay = सुष्ठु
  18. May you have long, healthy life = दीर्घायुरारोग्यमस्तु
  19. May success be yours = सुयशः भवतु
  20. May victory be yours = विजयः भवतु
  21. Happy Birthday = जन्मदिनशुभेच्छाः
  22. Wish you a long and happy married life = अखण्डसौभाग्यमस्तु
Formal addresses –
  1. Sir = महोदय
  2. Madam = महोदया
  3. Cordially or Affectionately = सस्नेहम्
शुभमस्तु = May everything be fine!!


Spiritual levelAwakening of the chakras
Beyond 95%
Awakening of the Brahmarandra
Currently, especially in the spiritual healing and new age circles, we often hear people discuss theirchakras and whether some chakra is opened or closed, or indicating that the chakras need to be balanced. This is a misnomer as the chakras (as seen from the table above) do not get activated until a higher spiritual level. For the vast majority of people they are dormant. What they are in fact referring to is the active chētanā,

Saturday, September 13, 2014

New Model Of The Solar System

While the traditional orbiting model of the Solar System, or the Heliocentric Model, where our planets rotate around the sun is not wrong but it is barely complete.

It’s omitting one very important fact. The sun isn’t stationary. The sun is actually travelling at extremely fast speeds, upward of 828,000 km/hr, or 514,000 miles an hour.
Our whole Solar System is orbiting the Milky Way Galaxy. In fact it takes 220-Million Years for the Sun to orbit our Galaxy.

In fact, our planets are barreling through space with the sun, and literally creating a giant Cosmic DNA Helix, and a vortex similar to our Milky Way Galaxy.
Like this but in space, creating a never ending Sine Wave.
When we make one rotation around the sun, we have already traveled millions of miles through space, meaning these Cosmic Cycles are far grander than we might have previously imagined.

From -Creator Course